Thursday, 17 December 2009

Merry Xmas everyone

Thank you one and all for coming to my classes this year.  I hope all that yoga has helped make it a good one and that you have enjoyed it as much as I have. 

I wish you all a wonderful Xmas and I look forward to seeing you all in what I hope will be healthy, happy and peaceful New Year for you all.

Classes begin again on the following dates:

Ski club Tuesday class - 5 January
Ski Club Thursday class - 7 January
Ski Club Monday class - 11 January
Monday evening Cairns Church - 4 January
Wednesday evening Blanefield - 6 January

Om Shanti

Jo x

Thursday, 10 December 2009

An Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

For those of you who expressed an interest, the date for the abovementioned course is now confirmed :

Saturday 16th Jan 10am - 1pm
Sunday 17th Jan 10 am - 1pm

The venue is the Edmonstone Hall in Blanefield, which is where my Wednesday evening class takes place.  Should anyone need directions please let me know.

Looking forward to it.


Get Well Message

Have had lots of poor students off with sickness or due to sick kids so just wanted to say hope you all get better soon.

Jo x

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

An Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

Hi All

I will be running a new course focused on the fundamental elements and postures of ashtanga yoga. The course is open to everyone and will be particularly beneficial to complete beginners and to those who joined my led classes after they had been up and running for a while and perhaps missed the basics taught at the beginning. It will also be useful for anyone who wishes to deepen their understanding of the practice, or who just fancies going back to basics.

This 6 hour course will cover the following:

* The eight limbs of yoga
* The breathing system, 'vinyasa' (synchronized breath and movement)
* Bandhas (internal energy locks) and Drishtis (gaze points)
* The asana of the primary series will be covered in some detail to ensure they are practised correctly with close attention being paid to variations to make the practice suitable for all.

The course will provide you with a strong foundation from which to grow your practice and get more out of a led class.

So if you are coming to a led class and you don't understand any of the above, please come along, or if you know someone who has never done ashtanga before but you think would enjoy the practice please let them know.

I am hoping to the run the course in January sometime probably over two Saturdays at 3 hours a time. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible as I will need to guage numbers interested to determine the size of space I need to let. Obviously availability of halls will determine dates but I will try to accommodate everyone as best I can.

The cost of the course will be £35, so let Santa know!

Jo x

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Am just back from my teacher training week with David Swenson and am exhausted but happy! 

It was very intense and a lot of hardwork, but brilliant. He is an amazing, inspiring teacher and a truly lovely human being.  I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to spend the week learning from him and I am looking forward to sharing what I learned with those of you who attend my astanga classes. 

Look forward to seeing you all next week.

Jo x

Monday, 9 November 2009

Hi All

Now that the frosty mornings have arrived just a wee reminder to bring your blanket to class for relaxation at the end.

Also a reminder that there will be no classes on Monday 16th, Tuesday 17th, Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th of November as I will be away on a course with David Swenson.  Classes will resume as normal the following week.

Click on the link to have a look at David in action, its incredible:

Jo x

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Hope those of you who are doing an autumn flow with me at the moment are enjoying doing something a little different and that second time round your triceps and tummy weren't as sore as the first time! 

Am posting today mainly to say a huge big Happy Birthday to one of my students Helen who celebrates her 40th on the 5th November. 


Love Jo x

Sunday, 11 October 2009

October break

There will be no ski club classes next week and the evening classes on Monday 12th and Wednesday 14th October will also not be on. Classes  resume as normal next week.


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Am just back from my final session with Manju Jois. Am absolutely knackered, but enjoyed every second of it. He was lovely, very humble and down to earth and his adjustments were amazing.

Well done to those students who made it along to a session. I hope you enjoyed it and that you will continue to do the pranayama he did with us daily. I loved the chanting especially, very meditative - that's another 10 minutes added on to my daily practice!!

Jo x

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Astanga Blues

My friend and yoga student Colin (in action above) has written a song about his experiences in my Monday night astanga class.  Have a listen by clicking on the link below, I'm sure you will be able to identify with it!!!



p.s. For any potential new students:

he keeps coming back!!!!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Manju Jois

Hello Level 2 Ashtangi's

Wanted to let you know that Manju Jois, Pattabhi Jois' son is coming to the Chi Yoga Centre on 26th and 27th September. There will be a led primary series, chanting and pranayama workshop on both days. It should be a great workshop. If anyone fancies coming along with me, ask me for more details.

To find out more about Manju Jois go to

Jo x

Monday, 31 August 2009


Is it ever going to stop raining?

Monday, 10 August 2009

Ski Club Classes

Hello ski club yogis

The ski club classes begin again next week; Monday 17th August and Tuesday 18th August. The Thursday class does not begin until the following week ie. 27th August.

Look forward to seeing you all then.

Jo x

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Lost Jacket

Has anyone left a black hooded Firetrap jacket at class. If you are looking for it let me know I have it.

Jo x

Music for Yoga

Also been asked a lot about where to get music for yoga. I would recommend as you can download single tracks without having to buy the whole album, you can also listen to the tracks before downloading.

I would recommend anything by Deva Premal and for meditation I really like Lex Van Someren.


Jo x

Yoga Mats

Hi everyone

A few of you have been asking me about yoga mats and which ones to buy. I love the mat which I use and which I think is good value for money. You can get it at

Once in the online shop go to the following:

Yoga Mats
EkoTex Mats
Millenium Mats

and the one you want to order is the EkoTex - Millenium Mat Purple Lite (3.5mm) which costs £25.

When you get it it will be slippy as it has a coating on it to protect it during transit. Wash it down with a damp cloth and let it dry before using.

Hope this helps. A decent mat will transform your practice, not to mention yer heid will hurt less during headstands!!!

Jo x

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga

Hi Everyone

Judi Farrell a fab cys teacher is running a beginners introductory course to ashtanga yoga at the Chi Yoga Centre which I thought some of you might be interested in attending. Even those of you who have been coming to my ashtanga classes for a while would find it useful if you would like to deepen your practice. Double click on the link below for more details.

Jo x

Monday, 22 June 2009

Cairns Class

Hello Monday night astangis

Fantastic to see class so busy tonight. There are 14 of you on the class list and there were 14 of you there! Hope you enjoyed all the sweat and high energy it was great!

See you next week.

I had a great week of mysore practice with David Keil and just wanted to say thank you to those of you whose classes I had to cancel last week. Thanks for being so understanding. See you all at class this week.

Jo x

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Next Weeks classes

Hi Everyone

As I mentioned in class to some of you already, at the last minute I have decided to do a week of mysore practice with David Keil and as such I am going to have to cancel my daytime classes next week. Sorry for the short notice, but its too good an opportunity to miss and is important for the development of my own practice and therefore my ability as a teacher. So Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th of June daytime classes at the ski club will not be on. Classes will be on the following week and these will be the last ski club classes before the school summer holidays. We will make up the cancelled session in the first block after the summer.

For those of you who wish to continue practicing throughout the Summer you are welcome to come to my Wednesday evening class in the Edmonstone Hall in Blanefield from 7.30 until 9. If you need directions please contact me.

Jo x

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

David Keil

I am off up to Birnam this weekend to do a yoganatomy workshop with David Keil (pictured), an authorized asthanga teacher who teaches on the Chi Yoga School course. He's a great teacher and I always learn loads from his courses. He is teaching at the Chi Yoga Centre over the next few weeks, if anyone is interested in attending any of his workshops you can get details on the Chi yoga Centre website. There is a link for the Centre on my blog under 'my favourite websites'.

It's been great to the see the sunshine I'm sure you will all agree. Was way too hot for us celts on Monday and Tuesday to do any ashtanga. I hope those of you who did a Hatha yoga style class with me enjoyed it. It's good to try something new and I'm sure you will agree that holding the postures can be just as challenging as ashtanga, just in a different way.

Had a lot of new people at classes this week. Hope you enjoyed your first ever yoga session, you all did brilliantly and I hope you will give it a go for at least 6 weeks before deciding whether or not the practice is for you.

Have a lovely weekend whatever you are doing. Hope the sun keeps shining.


p.s. Someone left a blue yoga mat at class in Strathblane this evening. I will bring it with me next week.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Charity Cycle Race

Some of you may have seen Debbie from my Tuesday and Thursday ski club classes in the newspaper recently as she cycling a gruelling 485km from London to Paris in July to raise money for Children Today, a charity which helps disabled children enjoy a better quality of life by providing them with specialist equipment. The wee cheeky chappie above is Cameron, Debbie's lovely little boy who has cerebal palsy, and as you can see by his fantastic bike, uses such specialist equipment. This is a wonderful cause, so please if you are able to, sponsor Debbie and her husband and help them raise the much needed cash.

Good luck Debbie and Paul.

Jo x

Saturday, 23 May 2009


A few of you have been asking me recently about meditation techniques so I have re-posted the technique below as written by Shiva Rea for Yoga Journal. This is a technique I have used and found helpful. I have found the best time, for me, to meditate is after I have practised asana. Meditation is, like asana, all about practice so don't expect to be able to just sit down and be meditating. I have been doing it for two years now and still struggle most of the time. Every now and then I get maybe a couple of seconds of mental stillness and it's all worth it!

I have found that meditation is very much about your attitude towards it. If you are sitting there thinking I could be doing something else, this is a waste of time, you will very quickly stop the whole exercise. In the beginning try to look at it as a period of time for yourself to sit, relax and do nothing physically. For most of you I know that in itself will be a treat, so try to think of it as such. If you have a positive attitude towards it you will relax much more easily. In time the stilling of the mind will come. As I said above, I only manage a few seconds every now and again, but I feel sure if I continue I will get better at it.

Let me know how you get on.


Jo x

Higher Hum: Breath and Mantra Meditation
The following meditation is based upon the mantra "so hum," ("I am that") used within the traditions of Tantra and Vedanta.
By Shiva Rea.

Mantra, the chanting of sacred words or sounds, is a central part of yogic meditation. Mantra comes from the combination of two syllables: "man," meaning "to reflect" or "be aware," and "tra," meaning "tool for" or "agent of." A mantra is a tool for reflection and the cultivation of awareness, and is used for both concentration and contemplation on the Source.

Within yoga, mantras are based upon sounds that reflect the energy of our divine nature. Om is considered to be the universal, consummate mantra. The following meditation is based upon the mantra "so hum," ("I am that") used within the traditions of Tantra and Vedanta. Since "so hum" also indicates the sound of the breath, it is a mantra that repeats itself effortlessly.

Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a cushion or blanket, in a chair or against a wall). Place your palms facing up in jnana mudra (forefinger and thumb touching) with your palms facing up to open your awareness or facing down to calm the mind. Scan your body and relax any tension. Let your spine rise from the ground of the pelvis. Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen.

Bring your attention to the tidal rhythm of your breath, feeling the rise and fall of your inhalation and exhalation. As your focus settles on your breath, begin to employ the simple mantra "so hum." As you inhale, say "so" silently to yourself, and as you exhale say "hum." Keep your focus on the sensation of your breath while silently repeating the sacred syllables, "so hum." As you drink your inhalation, gently drawing your breath along the base of your throat, listen for the sound of "so." As you exhale, listen for the sound of "hum" as your breath is amplified in the throat.

Let your mind become absorbed in the sound of so hum-in your internal chanting and your actual breath. As if you were watching the waves of the ocean, let your mind be naturally drawn into presence and stillness—no place to go, nothing to do, so hum, so hum. If a thought (vritti) arises, come back to the mantra so hum.

In the beginning, it may be helpful to set an external timer for 10, 20, or 30 minutes so you are not distracted. When you are finished, bring your hands together in anjali mudra (prayer position) and close with a moment of gratitude, reflection, or prayer to soak up the energy of your meditation into your being and life.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Blanefield Yogi's

Just wanted to give a bit of blog time to the Blanefield ashtangis who have been diligently slogging away for the last, well almost 10 months now. Just wanted to say how well you are all doing and that watching you all practicing tonight and seeing how much you have achieved is a joy for me as a teacher. I hope you are all feeling the benefits of the practice.


Monday, 18 May 2009

Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois

Sadly Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois the guru of ashtanga yoga passed away today. He was almost 94 years old and dedicated most of his life to yoga. I wasn't fortunate enough to visit his shala in Mysore, but by all accounts he was an inspirational man full of wisdom and humour who will be sadly missed by astangis the world over. Jx

"If we practice the science of yoga, which is useful to the entire human community and which yields happiness both here and hereafter - if we practice it without fail, we will then attain physical, mental, and spiritual happiness, and our minds will flood towards the Self"
Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

Sunday, 17 May 2009

School Holidays

Just a reminder that due to school holidays there will be no class at the ski club on Thursday 21st, Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th May. You are all welcome to pop into Strathblane class if you don't want to miss a practice.

The Monday evening class at Cairns is on as usual

Jo x

Friday, 24 April 2009

Why you should practice Yoga

Just had to post this. This Australian lady is 83 years old and has been teaching yoga for over 40. I struggle to do the posture she is in - it requires a lot of strength. Why don't you all give it a go and you will see just how amazing she is. If that's not inspiration to keep practising I don't know what is.


Holistic Massage

Now that you are hopefully enjoying the benefits of holistic exercise I thought I would let you know about my lovely friend and yoga student Christine. She gives a fabulous holistic massage (I should know I was the body she massaged when she did the exam!) She does this from the comfort of her lovely little massage studio within her home in Strathblane, normally on Thursdays. So for those of you who might be interested and would like further details - she can be contacted on 07842 206019.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. See you next week.

Jo x

Monday, 20 April 2009

Sunshine - isn't it great!

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter break. We had a glorious time in Sunny Pitlochry, when the weather's good there's nothing like a family holiday in Scotland. My kids were butt naked swimming in Loch Faskally in April, great thing there were no midges!

Hope everyone has been enjoying the sun. I've been outdoors doing some yoga practice. Practicing outside in the fresh air feels really great. My neighbours probably think I'm a bit strange, but hey ho!

See you all at class this week.

Jo x

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Change of Plans

The class on Monday 13 April at Cairns Church will no longer be running. I have sent you all an email, but just in case you didn't get it thought I better post it too! See you all 20th April.

Jo x

Friday, 27 March 2009

Easter Holidays

Hi Everyone

Just a reminder about dates classes will be off due to Easter break.

Cairns class will be off Monday 6th April only.

Strathblane will be off Wednesday 8th and Wednesday 15th April.

Ski club running to term time.

Will see you all at class next week, but in the meantime I hope you all have a lovely break when it comes.

Jo x

p.s. Get those mats out at home!

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Never Trust The Weather in Scotland

So started the new spring flow on Monday and it was snowing outside!!! Had to happen didn't it! Still in my mind it feels like spring. Energy is on the rise and I will carry on regardless! For those of you who did flow on Monday hope you enjoyed it and that your sides weren't too sore with all that twisting! You did great.

Congratulations are due to my level 2 asthanga students who did the whole primary series for the first time on Tuesday. They were great and seemed tired but happy at the end of it. At least that was my perception of it. Maybe the glazed looks on their faces were something else!

Jo x

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Spring is in the Air

Can you feel it? Spring is on the the way. Energy is rising and the daffodils in my garden are blooming, which is enough evidence for me ( I may eat my words next week when it will probably snow!). As a result I am anticipating my last winter flow of the year to be tomorrow morning. So for all you flow yogis we shall be moving on to the spring flow next week, which will focus on working into the liver and gallbladder, so lots of side bending and twisting. Helps to burn off the excess fat we store round the torso to protect the liver and kidney's during the cold winter months.

Look forward to seeing you bounding in to class next week like a bunch of spring lambs!!!!

Jo x

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Pampering Yourself

For those of you who come to class at the ski club I thought I would point out, just in case you hadn't noticed, that there is a little beauty salon - Cosmediq as you come into the club. The prices are really competitive, parking is easy, the staff are lovely and if you are there doing yoga already its dead convenient! I was there for a treatment today and I seriously didn't want to get off the couch!!! What's more, (and those of you who know me well will know this), you can pop into the cafe for a coffee with lovely gingerbread upstairs afterwards without having to get back in the car! What more could a body ask for!

For those of you I had coffee with today - they are getting microdermabrasion in in a couple of weeks!!! ( They will know what I am talking about!!). Anyway if you are interested in any treatments, you can pick a leaflet up outside the door and give them a call on 0141 931 5951 or email them at

I'm off for a girlie weekend this weekend, hurrah! Am taking my yoga mat with me, will tell you next week wether I actually use it or not!

Jo x

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Have just had a reiki session with Jane and it was fab. I couldn't believe the heat her hands were generating and I felt deeply relaxed afterwards. If you haven't given it a go yet I would seriously recommend that you do.

Jo x

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Fancy a Free Reiki Session?

Hi Everyone

One of my yoga students Jane Dixon has asked if I would pass on the following message to fellow yogis. I have tried Reiki myself and loved it, so why not give it a go.

Jo x

Hi Jo

I was wondering if I could ask for your help in finding a few people who would be interested in trying a free session of Reiki?
I've just finished the first part of my Reiki training and need to get in as much practice as possible before moving on to Reiki level 2 (after which I'll be a bona fide practitioner).
Would you be happy to forward this message to your yoga email list? Anyone who'd like to try out a Reiki session can contact me via email or phone me on 0141 563 9795. The sessions (which last around 45 mins - 1 hour) will take place at my house in Bearsden and I'll have time slots available during school hours, early evening on a Thursday, or Sunday daytime. Of course I'm hoping you'll want to come along for a session too!.
Thanks lots in advance
Jane x

ps - for anyone who's not familiar with Reiki.......
Reiki (pronounced Ray-key), meaning Univeral Energy, is the name given to a Japanese system of natural healing that works with energy and balance.
It is a deeply relaxing and non-invasive method of activating the body’s natural healing ability. It works on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual - to restore balance in one's life.
Receiving a Reiki treatment is a very simple process. The recipient simply lies on a couch and relaxes. The practitioner gently places their hands non-intrusively in a sequence of positions which cover the whole body. The practitioner is a channel which the energy is drawn through by the need or imbalance in the recipient. Reiki flows to the areas of need, soothing and and supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself.
Reiki compliments other health care systems, it speeds the healing process, and aids deep relaxation

Friday, 27 February 2009

One of my yoga students sent this to me the other day and I had to post it, just coz its funny!

Glasgow Yoga

On a more serious note, Allison Dearling, a fantastic CYS teacher has some workshops coming up between now and April on backbending, vinyasa and also a week of early morning mysore practice. If anyone is interested in any of these and would like more details let me know. I will hopefully be going to the backbending and vinyasa workshops.

I had a delightful yoga session with the Blanefield rainbow guides yesterday evening. They were an absolute joy and I might now be able to pluck up the courage to get some children's yoga classes up and running. I was thinking initially of doing some classes during the summer holidays. I know a few of you have been asking about children's classes so if you think your kids would like to do some classes during the Summer let me know.

See you all next week.

Jo x

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Classes Next Week

Due to the school holidays there will be no ski club classes next week. They resume week beginning Monday 23rd Feb. My evening classes are running as normal.

Jo x

Sunday, 8 February 2009

No Blanefield Class 11 February

Hello Blanefield Yogis

Just a wee reminder that there is no Blanefield Class this week as the Edmonstone Hall is being used for the school pantomime.

There are some spaces in my Monday class this week as 3 or 4 people are away with work commitments. If you would like to come on Monday instead send me a wee email.

Jo x

Friday, 6 February 2009

Silence is Golden

I was up at Mugdock park yesterday walking the dog. I do this every week and usually fire round the park, thinking about what I have to do next(normally a tesco shop!) without thinking too much about my surroundings. Shen Bowers, the Gi Gong teacher I went to a few weeks ago, was talking about how many of us are so busy worrying about what is coming next or the things that we have to or want to do in the future, that we don't live in the present, and therefore do not appreciate it enough. This really struck a chord with me as it is something I am very guilty of, other than when I am doing my yoga practice. So, with Shen's words echoing in my head, I stopped and took in my surroundings. Mugdock was absolutely beautiful in the snow and I was shocked at how much I have in the past taken its natural beauty for granted. It was so lovely I decided to sit down for a while and just do nothing. What struck me next was the silence. It was fantastic, almost deafening silence interspersed with birdsong. I wish I could have bagged it and brought it to class. It is so rare to hear silence like that. It didn't take too long, maybe 3 or 4 minutes before the silence was broken by a plane overhead, and the spell was broken, but it was quite a magical few minutes and I am glad I took the opportunity to appreciate the here and now and hope I can try to do so more often.

I am attending a Level 2 Seasonal Flow teacher training this weekend with Julie Hanson and Sue Woodd focusing on the Spring Season. Look forward to sharing it with you in class when Spring arrives.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Jo x

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Well done Thursday Yogis

Well the new class on Thursday's at the ski club is up and running now and I hope you are all getting into the swing of it. The class comprises of some new members who are new to yoga and who did really well for their first ever session. The rest of the class is made up of those now doing two sessions a week, which I am delighted to see so many of you doing. I hope you will all be reaping the benefits both physically and mentally very soon!

For those of you new to class check out your email. I have sent you an attachment which shows the sun salutations. Print it out, have it at the front of your mat to help you remember the sequence and practice them at home.

See you all next week. Have a fab weekend.

Jo x

Friday, 23 January 2009

Someone sent me this article about whether or not yoga should be a competitive sport - they are trying to get it introduced in to the olympics! Anyway, thought some of you might be interested to have a look. To put it into context - Patanjali the ancient sage who thousands of years ago wrote the yoga sutras, the first written texts about the study of yoga, refers to the eight limbs of yoga, one of which is yamas (which would equate to moral codes). One of the yamas is non-competitiveness.

The video is worth a watch simply for the grace, control and strength on display - awesome!

Would be interested to hear your thoughts.

Jo x

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Practice makes Perfect

Practice makes perfect - that's what my mother always told me! This certainly applies to the more challenging yoga postures. Even the most flexible of us, have postures we find difficult and which our bodies aren't ready to do yet, and my mothers mantra comes to mind at these times.

We've been having a bit of fun (at least it's my idea of fun) in the level 2 ashtanga class trying out the more challenging postures in the primary series. Rachel and Fiona have been lamenting on their blogs that they will never be able to do bhujapidasana one of the ones we were trying out and which I use as my profile picture. But here they are in the full posture having received a little helping hand from me. Keep practicing and it wont be long before your body will be ready and you'll be doing it all by yourself!!!

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Hi Everyone

As mentioned in my blog recently some of you have been asking me about the wii fit yoga and I asked for some feedback as I haven't used it myself. Sinead one of my students who has been doing ashtanga for some time has and has been kind enough to give me some feedback, so here it is. Jo x :

We got the wii fit mainly for kids games but I did think it
> wld be good to try as well. It certainly wldn't replace
> a yoga practice or class as it doesn't warm you up -
> you start with about 5 postures and as you get good at them
> you can unlock others to try - a lot of the postures are
> familiar to me but some new ones. The good thing is that
> the board shows where your centre of gravity is for each
> posture so u can whether although u appear to be doing the
> posture if you are actually using ur core to stablise - very
> good for me. The bad thing is it wld take a while to unlock
> enough postures to get a proper practice out of it and also
> it doesn't flow well so u don't the same mental
> focussing and relaxation cos u have to keep pressing buttons
> and the trainer keeps blabbing on when ur not interested in
> her and want to move on. I think I will use it as something
> to do every few wks to remind myself of where my centre of
> gravity is and see if my balance has improved. I don't
> think it's worth buying if you want help to practice at
> home you would be better with an ashtanga primary series dvd
> or just the photo's of the poses.
Hi everyone

Someone asked me to repost the meditation technique I had posted a few weeks ago coz they couldn't find it in my blog archive, so here it is! Enjoy!

Higher Hum: Breath and Mantra Meditation
The following meditation is based upon the mantra "so hum," ("I am that") used within the traditions of Tantra and Vedanta.
By Shiva Rea.

Mantra, the chanting of sacred words or sounds, is a central part of yogic meditation. Mantra comes from the combination of two syllables: "man," meaning "to reflect" or "be aware," and "tra," meaning "tool for" or "agent of." A mantra is a tool for reflection and the cultivation of awareness, and is used for both concentration and contemplation on the Source.

Within yoga, mantras are based upon sounds that reflect the energy of our divine nature. Om is considered to be the universal, consummate mantra. The following meditation is based upon the mantra "so hum," ("I am that") used within the traditions of Tantra and Vedanta. Since "so hum" also indicates the sound of the breath, it is a mantra that repeats itself effortlessly.

Find a comfortable posture for meditation (seated on a cushion or blanket, in a chair or against a wall). Place your palms facing up in jnana mudra (forefinger and thumb touching) with your palms facing up to open your awareness or facing down to calm the mind. Scan your body and relax any tension. Let your spine rise from the ground of the pelvis. Draw your chin slightly down and let the back of your neck lengthen.

Bring your attention to the tidal rhythm of your breath, feeling the rise and fall of your inhalation and exhalation. As your focus settles on your breath, begin to employ the simple mantra "so hum." As you inhale, say "so" silently to yourself, and as you exhale say "hum." Keep your focus on the sensation of your breath while silently repeating the sacred syllables, "so hum." As you drink your inhalation, gently drawing your breath along the base of your throat, listen for the sound of "so." As you exhale, listen for the sound of "hum" as your breath is amplified in the throat.

Let your mind become absorbed in the sound of so hum-in your internal chanting and your actual breath. As if you were watching the waves of the ocean, let your mind be naturally drawn into presence and stillness—no place to go, nothing to do, so hum, so hum. If a thought (vritti) arises, come back to the mantra so hum.

In the beginning, it may be helpful to set an external timer for 10, 20, or 30 minutes so you are not distracted. When you are finished, bring your hands together in anjali mudra (prayer position) and close with a moment of gratitude, reflection, or prayer to soak up the energy of your meditation into your being and life.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009


I was at a QiGong workshop this weekend with Shen Bowers an inspirational teacher who teaches this ancient art all over the world. Everytime I do QiGong I learn a bit more about the energy in my body and how to cultivate it and I always come back feeling very energised and incredibly relaxed. He also has some very inspirational words of wisdom to share with us and I came back from the workshop feeling very positive. If you ever get the chance to give QiGong a go, try it - it's fab!

I also got very sore calf muscles!!!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Blanefield Class

Just a reminder to everyone - Blanefield class does not start until next week 14th January. See you then. Jo x

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Happy New Year and Wobbly Legs

Hello yogis

If its any consolation my legs are really sore too!!!! I had a fortnight of no yoga to try and recover from an injury I have had, so the sessions I have done with you this week have been as tough for me as they were for you. Anyway hope the stretch has rid you of the sluggishness that comes with christmas festivities.

Just out of interest - I have had a few people ask me if I have tried the wii fit yoga and what I think about it, I have not, so cannot comment but I would appreciate some feedback if anyone has tried it.

See you all next week.

Jo x