Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Hi Everyone

For those of you who might be interested in taking your yoga practice a little further there is a workshop taking place at Yoga Glasgow this weekend which might be of interest.  The Saturday workshop will involve Pranayama, Meditation and Mantra.  Pranayama is an ancient technique of breathing exercises used by yogi's to clear and cleanse the body and mind.  Meditation is a technique used to get into a deeper state of relaxation and awareness.  Mantra is using words or affirmations to focus attention and instill one pointed concentration.  It's a great opportunity to explore the techniques used to learn to quieten the mind and relax.

Siobhan is also teaching an Indian head massage workshop on Sunday.  If you've never had an Indian head massage you've missed out - it's fantastic! Why not learn this wonderful technique to try out on family and friends?

Places will be limited so if you are interested contact Siobhan at yoga glasgow asap.

For more info and Siobhan's contact details go to

Jo x

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Hello Everybody

Just a wee reminder.  Please feel free to email me or post on the blog any questions you may have regarding the practice, be they about specific asana or yoga in general.  Don't be confused - just ask!

Jo x

p.s. Just been at a backbending class with the fantastic Allison Dearling.  If anyone is looking for an ashtanga class at the weekends she does a fab primary series led class on a Sunday at the Chi Yoga Centre in Glassford St, City Centre.  See the Chi Yoga Centre website for details - there is a link on my blog under favourite websites.
Hi Level 2's

Good session this morning!  Most noticably, the breathing - fantastic, loud ujjayi breath almost in unison- what more could a yoga teacher ask for!!

If you are practising at home this week, bear in mind the tips I gave you re the sun salutations and vinyasas, use the tummy muscles to pull yourself up into downward facing dog from upward facing dog and don't let yourself collapse into the plank on the jump back, bring your awareness to your core.  

Have a good week, see you all next week.

J x

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Hi Everybody

First of all I'd like to say well done to Fiona my friend and level 2 yoga student who just completed the Loch Ness marathon in a fabulous time.  Amazingly she turned up at class on Tuesday morning after running the marathon on Sunday, now that's dedication!  There was a lot of ooing and aahing as her quads were very sore indeed and its the first time I've ever seen her miss out a vinyasa!  Well done Fi, for the marathon and for making it to class!

Have been getting a bit more of a chance to observe how you are all getting on in class and am pleased to see how much progress you are making.  Hope you all feel like you are starting to loosen off a bit and are gaining a bit more strength in the upper body.  Becoming more familiar with the postures and what is coming next is half the battle and you are all getting there.

Next week Ski Club classes are off but the Cairns Church and Strathblane classes are on as normal.   If you are off on holiday, I hope you have a great time.  

Jo x 

p.s.  A bit of housekeeping - Strathblane class - to keep the heat in the hall we are using the side door  (the second one along, not the one up the stairs) to gain access to the building.  We will be keeping the door open with a yoga block, please ensure after you come in that the door is still kept ajar by the block so that the next person can get in.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Hi Strathblane Yogis

Thought you all did brilliantly last night.  It was fantastic having Gerry there to help and I hope you all got some useful tips to help with the postures.

As I said last night I will be making the class 90 minutes long as of next week.  This will enable us to get more of the sequence in, and also to have a longer relaxation period at the end of the class. A good relaxation at the end is important for you to get the most from the practice and should not be rushed.

I hope you all received the e'mail I sent with the sun salutations handout.  If you did not, please e'mail me and let me know and I will forward it on to you.

Will order the blocks for everyone today and will hopefully have them by next week.  

See you then.

Jo x