Thursday, 22 December 2011

Wishing all my students a very merry christmas and a happy and healthy new year. Thanks for all your support throughout the year, especially after my flu and then the car crash etc. You are all stars. See you in 2012. Jo xxxx

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Last Monday Cairns Church class of the year - 19 December  - starts back 9 January
Last Tuesday ski club class of the year - 20 December  - starts back 10 January
Last Wednesday Blanefield Class of the year - 14 December  - starts back 11 January
Last Thursday Guide Hall class of the year - 22 December  - starts back 12 January

Please in times of bad weather conditions check this site or my blog before making your way to class, if class is cancelled it will be posted.


Thursday, 8 December 2011

No class today folks schools closed due to impending storm!!  Sorry for short notice but only just found out myself!  Stay safe Jo xxx

Monday, 5 December 2011

Monday night 5 december astanga class cancelled due to snow.
jo x

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Michael Gannon Retreat at Lendrick Lodge

Hello Yogis and Yoginis
I am hosting a weekend retreat with Michael Gannon at Lendrick Lodge on 11-13 May. Those of you who have been to Lendrick with me before will know what a special place it is. I have been at many great retreats there, and I'm sure this one will be no exception. We have a busy schedule arranged, there will be 6 sessions of asana, pranayama and meditation with Michael and hopefully we'll get the chance to do some outside meditation and some walks, weather permitting. All food is included in the price. The food at lendrick is delicious vegetarian fayre.
Places are limited on the workshop, so If you would like to come along please don't wait to book. So don't miss out, put this on your santa list. To book drop me a line and I will tell you how to go about it.
Much love to you all.
Jo x

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Class holidays

Just a reminder that due to the school holidays there are no classes on mon 17, Tuesday 18, Wednesday 19 or Thursday 20th of October. All those coming to Michael Gannon workshop will receive an email from me shortly reminding about times, venues etc.

Jo x

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Hello All.
I am Jo's partner. Jo is unable to blog just now as she is unfortunately in hospital; she was in a bad car crash with other members of her family on Monday evening and sustained serious injuries to her shoulder. She was operated on on Tuesday and is likely to remain in hospital while her condition improves.

She is obviously very concerned about her classes and students and with ensuring that as many classes as possible are covered by other teachers until she gets back on her feet.

Unfortunately however, this week's Thursday class will not take place.

Jo has access to her email - never far from her iPhone - so if you need to get in touch with her that might be the best approach.


Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Michael Gannon Visit

Jo will be hosting a weekend workshop with authorized ashtanga teacher Michael Gannon in Blanefield and Gartocharn on October 21-23 2011. Details of the workshop and on Michael can be found below. The cost of the workshop is £120 and is suitable for all levels of practitioner. There will also be a full led primary series on Friday 21 October 7-9pm. Cost £30. Michael is a wonderful teacher, so don’t miss the opportunity to take part in this fun weekend. If you would like a place please email Jo at and she’ll give you details on how to book.

Look forward to seeing you there!

The schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Friday 21 October, The Edmonstone Hall, Blanefield - Full led primary series 7 - 9 pm - cost £30

Saturday 22nd October, Kilmaronock Millennium Hall, Gartocharn

9.30 am – 12.30 pm - Opening Your Heart – Elements of backbending

Some of us have a spine like cooked linguini and don’t need to think about backbending. Some of us begin to hyperventilate when we attempt basic backbends. In this workshop we will break down individual elements that allow us to backbend with control and comfort. Working with partners we will explore shoulders, hip flexors, our front, our foundation and our breath. All levels, all styles of practitioners. Based on Michael’s latest DVD.

Break for lunch

2.30 pm – 4.30pm Opening Your Lotus – Elements of Sitting

For many of us, putting ourselves into Padmasana is NOT easy. And sitting there comfortably for more than 60-seconds can be like a Tapas practice of will and determination. This class will use a sequence of seated asanas to slowly, slowly free the restricted parts of the body that need to be loose to comfortably come into Padmasana and sit in peace. We can then use this new Asana, or seat, to ground ourselves for pranayama and meditation. All levels welcome.

Sunday 23 October, Kilmaronock Millennium Hall, Gartocharn

9.30 am – 12.30 pm - Ashtanga Rocks

Bust out of the traditional rules and add a little Rock & Mantra to your practice! Let’s flow through the Vinyasa System to the rockin beats of Gannon’s funky playlist. Ohhhhhh Yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!!!

Break for lunch

2.30pm – 4.30 pm – Awaken your Life Force and Quiet Your Mind

A Yogic breathing and pranayama workshop. This workshop will support the idea that the breath is the most powerful aspect of Ashtanga yoga. We will enhance our breath awareness to deepen our asana practice and develop a basic seated pranayama practice. By incorporating this practice – slowly you will be able to utilize the control of breath and bandhas to harness energy (prana) and flow with synchronicity from asana to asana, taking your practice experience to another level. Based on Michael’s CD used by practitioners around the world since 2005.

There will also be a full led primary series practice taking place on Friday 21 October 7 - 9 pm

Cost for Saturday and sunday £120.

Yoga found Michael after 10 chaotic years of deal making in the American advertising and music business. Through his yoga practice he was awakened to incredible balancing benefits that would gradually change his life path. After studying in India with the late Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, learning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd series of the traditional ashtanga system, he was authorized directly by Jois in 2001 to teach. Since then he spends the year traveling and teaching workshops, trainings and retreats in The Americas, UK, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Michael’s rare understanding and unique teaching style of the original vinyasa system makes yoga’s transformational powers — physical, mental and spiritual — available to all, slowly, slowly, through a daily yoga practice. He has imparted this unique teaching style by training over 200 teachers worldwide in his GAVY Teacher Apprenticeships.

Michael founded the brand Yoga Dealer in 2005. He has also created the instructional breathing program CD, “Awaken Your Life Force and Quiet Your Mind”, the yoga demonstration DVD “From Earth to Heaven”and three yoga practice posters utilized by yoga practitioners around the world. 2010 introduced Michael’s latest DVD, “Opening Your Heart – Elements of Backbending.”

When Michael is not traveling, he spends time at the feet of his two most powerful Gurus, on the beach in Mexico — his 6-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Class is on this Wednesday evening 22 June and Thursday morning 23 June. Thereafter all day time classes stop until the end of the school Summer holidays. The Wednesday evening and Monday evening classes will be running as normal except for Monday 27th and Wednesday 29th June and Monday 4th July and Wednesday 6th July when I will be on holiday. All daytime students who wish to continue practising during the Summer please come along on a Wednesday evening to Strathblane. There may be an option to come on a Monday evening to Cairns, just text me to check availability. Have a great Summer for those of you I wont see.

Jo x

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Just a reminder there is no Tuesday class at the ski club on 31 May as I am still on course and Sinead can't cover.

See you next week.

Jo x

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Timings now included!

Extra Sessions on Michael Gannon Weekend Workshop

There will be two extra sessions at the Michael Gannon Weekend Workshop at my new studio Yoga Jo's in Milngavie, opening September.

Friday eve 21 Oct 2011 - 6.30 - 8.30 pm led primary series

Saturday evening 22nd Oct 2011 - 6.30 - 8 pm - yoga for relaxation and meditation (see details below)

Cost £30 a session or £50 for both. Full payment due at time of booking.

The timings for each have not been finalised yet. This information will follow.

So if you missed out on the other sessions, here's your chance!

If you would like to book please contact me on

Yoga for Meditation (90 minutes)All asana practices can be used to prepare us and take us into a meditative state (Dhyana). When we just breathe and move, Vinyasa can become a moving meditation. We will start this session with a discusion on Energy , turning into and awakening our energetic body. We will then take this lite energetic awareness into a guided charka meditation. If your week at work or home has been stressful and making your mind rampant, this session will scrub it clean setting the tone for a relaxing weekend.

All levels welcome.

There will be no evening classes on Monday 16 and Wednesday 18 May as I am away on a course. Daytime classes are running as normal and will be covered by Sinead Noble. Thanks Sinead! The evening classes resume as normal the following week.
Jo x

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Extra Sessions on Michael Gannon Weekend Workshop

There will be two extra sessions at the Michael Gannon Weekend Workshop at my new studio Yoga Jo's in Milngavie, opening September.

Friday eve 21 Oct 2011 - led primary series - duration 2 hours

Saturday evening 22nd Oct 2011 - yoga for relaxation and meditation (see details below) - 90 mins.

Cost £30 a session or £50 for both. Full payment due at time of booking.

The timings for each have not been finalised yet. This information will follow.

So if you missed out on the other sessions, here's your chance!

If you would like to book please contact me on

Yoga for Meditation (90 minutes)All asana practices can be used to prepare us and take us into a meditative state (Dhyana). When we just breathe and move, Vinyasa can become a moving meditation. We will start this session with a discusion on Energy , turning into and awakening our energetic body. We will then take this lite energetic awareness into a guided charka meditation. If your week at work or home has been stressful and making your mind rampant, this session will scrub it clean setting the tone for a relaxing weekend.

All levels welcome.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Michael Gannon Workshop

The Michael Gannon Workshop is now full. Should be a great weekend.


Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Michael Gannon Workshop

There are only 2 places left, who'll get them first?

p.s. if you are on Facebook join my Facebook group Jo Lockhart Yoga. It is a closed group and open to members only. You can join it by clicking on the facebook link on my website.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Michael Gannon Workshop

Jo will be hosting a weekend workshop with authorized ashtanga teacher Michael Gannon in her new studio ‘Yoga Jo’s’ in Milngavie, Glasgow on October 22-23 2011. Details of the workshop and on Michael can be found below. The cost of the workshop is £120 and is suitable for all levels of practitioner. Michael is a wonderful teacher, so don’t miss the opportunity to take part in this fun weekend. If you would like a place please email Jo at and she’ll give you details on how to book.

Look forward to seeing you there!

The schedule for the weekend is as follows:

Saturday 22nd October

9.30 am – 12.30 pm - Opening Your Heart – Elements of backbending

Some of us have a spine like cooked linguini and don’t need to think about backbending. Some of us begin to hyperventilate when we attempt basic backbends. In this workshop we will break down individual elements that allow us to backbend with control and comfort. Working with partners we will explore shoulders, hip flexors, our front, our foundation and our breath. All levels, all styles of practitioners. Based on Michael’s latest DVD.

Break for lunch

2.30 pm – 4.30pm Opening Your Lotus – Elements of Sitting

For many of us, putting ourselves into Padmasana is NOT easy. And sitting there comfortably for more than 60-seconds can be like a Tapas practice of will and determination. This class will use a sequence of seated asanas to slowly, slowly free the restricted parts of the body that need to be loose to comfortably come into Padmasana and sit in peace. We can then use this new Asana, or seat, to ground ourselves for pranayama and meditation. All levels welcome.

Sunday 23 October

9.30 am – 12.30 pm - Ashtanga Rocks

Bust out of the traditional rules and add a little Rock & Mantra to your practice! Let’s flow through the Vinyasa System to the rockin beats of Gannon’s funky playlist. Ohhhhhh Yeeeeeeaaahhhhh!!!

Break for lunch

2.30pm – 4.30 pm – Awaken your Life Force and Quiet Your Mind

A Yogic breathing and pranayama workshop. This workshop will support the idea that the breath is the most powerful aspect of Ashtanga yoga. We will enhance our breath awareness to deepen our asana practice and develop a basic seated pranayama practice. By incorporating this practice – slowly you will be able to utilize the control of breath and bandhas to harness energy (prana) and flow with synchronicity from asana to asana, taking your practice experience to another level. Based on Michael’s CD used by practitioners around the world since 2005.

Yoga found Michael after 10 chaotic years of deal making in the American advertising and music business. Through his yoga practice he was awakened to incredible balancing benefits that would gradually change his life path. After studying in India with the late Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois, learning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd series of the traditional ashtanga system, he was authorized directly by Jois in 2001 to teach. Since then he spends the year traveling and teaching workshops, trainings and retreats in The Americas, UK, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Michael’s rare understanding and unique teaching style of the original vinyasa system makes yoga’s transformational powers — physical, mental and spiritual — available to all, slowly, slowly, through a daily yoga practice. He has imparted this unique teaching style by training over 200 teachers worldwide in his GAVY Teacher Apprenticeships.

Michael founded the brand Yoga Dealer in 2005. He has also created the instructional breathing program CD, “Awaken Your Life Force and Quiet Your Mind”, the yoga demonstration DVD “From Earth to Heaven” and three yoga practice posters utilized by yoga practitioners around the world. 2010 introduced Michael’s latest DVD, “Opening Your Heart – Elements of Backbending.”

When Michael is not traveling, he spends time at the feet of his two most powerful Gurus, on the beach in Mexico — his 6-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Wednesday 6 April


Sorry cannot run Wednesday evening class in Blanefield on 6 April as they are revarnishing the hall floor.

See you next week.


Thursday, 31 March 2011

Sorry yoga cancelled this morning April 1. Am unwell. Have a lovely break. Jo x

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Please see below details of a workshop being run by a fellow yoga teacher. Sounds wonderfully relaxing. If you are interested in going along please contact Vicky directly,

Jo x

Relax, Re-focus, Re-energise Retreat

Are you relaxed?

Do you want to reduce stress, depression, insomnia, IBS, anxiety and many other symptoms?

Become mindful and improve your mental and physical wellbeing?

With Vicki Cook & Valerie Cowie, Advanced Yoga Teachers

At Yoga Glasgow, 10 Claremont Terrace G3 7XR

£55.00 - Limited to 15 people

Saturday 16 April 12.00 – 17.00

©Deep Relaxation (Yoga Nidra) ©Yoga/Pilates ©Posture ©Breathing Exercises ©Mindful Eating ©Meditation © Understanding stress and it’s affect on our body, mind and soul

EMAIL:, for information &

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Class Cancelled

Hi All

Sorry for the short notice but I'm afraid I am going to have to cancel class this evening 16 March. See you all next week.

Jo x

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :0)

For those of you who were 'Om'ing in class yesterday. Jx

Mantras, sacred chants, come in all shapes and sizes. They can be composed of sentences, single words, or even single syllables; they can be perfectly intelligible or completely mystifying (at least to the uninitiated).

Single-syllable mantras, known as bija (seed) mantras, are the easiest to remember and recite; they're also the most powerful. It's believed that, just as a tiny seed contains a majestic tree, each bija contains vast amounts of spiritual wisdom and creative force. One of the oldest and most widely known of these seeds is om.

Om is frequently called the pranava, literally "humming," a word that derives from pranu, "to reverberate," and ultimately from the root nu, "to praise or command" but also "to sound or shout." It is the audible expression of the transcendental, attributeless ground of reality.

Om is the "primordial seed" of the universe--this whole world, says one ancient text, "is nothing but om." It is also considered to be the root mantra from which all other mantras emerge and to encapsulate the essence of the many thousands of verses of Hinduism's holiest texts, the Vedas. According to the Katha Upanishad (2.15), om is the "word which all the Vedas rehearse."

As such, om is the meditative seed par excellence. Patanjali--who wrote the Yoga Sutra and is considered to be the father of classical yoga--taught that when we chant this sacred syllable and simultaneously contemplate the meaning of it, our consciousness becomes "one-pointed: and prepared for meditation. In a commentary on the Yoga Sutra, the ancient sage Vyasa noted that through chanting om, "the supreme soul is revealed." In a similar vein, Tibetan scholar Lama Govinda wrote that om expresses and leads to the "experience of the infinite within us." Thus, chanting om may be the easiest way to touch the Divine within your very self.

Yogis often meditate on the four "measures," or parts, of om. Though commonly spelled om, the mantra actually consists of three letters, a, u, and m. (In Sanskrit, whenever an initial a is followed by a u, they coalesce into a long o sound.) Each of these three parts has numerous metaphysical associations, which themselves serve as meditative seeds. For example, a (pronounced "ah") represents our waking state, which is also the subjective consciousness of the outer world; u (pronounced "ooh") is the dreaming state, or the consciousness of our inner world of thoughts, dreams, memories, and so on; and m is the dreamless state of deep sleep and the experience of ultimate unity.

By contemplating the meaning of each of these letters as we chant them, we are led through the three states of our ordinary consciousness to the mantra's fourth part, the anusvara (after-sound): om. The vibration slowly dissolves into silence, symbolic of the transcendent state of consciousness, equated with Brahman (the Absolute). This silence is the crown of the mantra; it is described in the Maitri Upanishad as "tranquil, soundless, fearless, sorrowless, blissful, satisfied, steadfast, immovable, immortal, unshaken, enduring."

Lendrick Lodge Retreat

Dear All

Some of you may remember a group of us went up to Lendrick Lodge last Autumn for a retreat with Julie Hanson and Sue Woodd. A great time was had by all and a few of you were keen to repeat the event. I'm therefore delighted to let you all know that Julie and Sue have decided to run a Spring workshop this coming May. The weekend will run from the evening of Friday 13 to late afternoon of Sunday 15th May. The cost is as follows:

£250 for a room sharing with 3 - 4 people
£270 for a twin room
£290 for a single room

This will include all teachings and food.

There will be an official flyer coming out soon for the retreat but I wanted to let you know a bit in advance. If you are interested in coming along please let me know.

Jo x
Big thanks to Harry for taking class yesterday. It was great to be part of a class again and share all that group energy! I was buzzing all day :0)

Thursday, 6 January 2011

HI All

Thank you so much for all the get well messages, I really appreciate it! Am slowly on the mend with the help of my lovely mum who is feeding me and making sure I rest. Aren't mums the best!

I am hoping to be back on my feet by Monday 17th January when all classes will resume as normal.
Next week the Monday evening class at Cairns on 10th January will be running as a mysore class and Tuesday morning at ski club on the 11th will be running, as cover has been arranged.

Here's hoping I see you all week beginning 17th January.

Til then, be well

Love Jo x