Thursday, 21 October 2010

Just back from Aberdeen. Feeling very energised after a wonderful week of yoga. Many thanks to all who came to Lendrick for really entering into the spirit of Sue, Julie and Mary's teachings. It was a fab weekend, I enjoyed sharing the time and lovely energy with you all so much, and most of all watching you all deepen your understanding of yoga. I'm so proud of you all.

I also want to say another big thank you for the presentation you made to me of the tibetan singing bowl, I will cherish it. Sorry I cried but I was truly touched by the gesture and all the lovely things you said about me. My aim is to inspire my students to love yoga as much as I do and the words you said made me feel that you are inspired and that means a lot to me.

Big thanks to Julie, Sue, Mary and Stephen for sharing their knowledge with us all.

My trip to Aberdeen to study with Michael Gannon was great, hardwork, but great! As usual when sharing time with the direct students of Pattabhi Jois I learned a great deal and deepened my understanding of the ashtanga practice. I look forward to being able to share that with you all.

Will post some photos soon.

See you all next week.

Jo x

Friday, 8 October 2010

Class Holidays

Just a reminder there are no classes now until the 25 October, except for the Wednesday evening class in Blanefield which will be running on 13 October but not 20th. Have a good break. Jx

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Hopefully we are all fairly organised for going to the retreat at Lendrick Lodge. If anyone has any further questions please do not hesitate to ask. All that remains now is to enjoy!


Big Thank you to everyone who filled out my questionnaire. I got a great response and it's been very helpful. Jo x